Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Corporate High School

I didnt get a gift for Secret Santa. Out of everyone in the company I was the only one who didnt get one. I dont know who was supposed to get me something because the HR manager wont tell me, but just wait till I find out. You cross me, you die, Bastard.
They hosted the party at the picnic area outside the building. Everyone got their food and sat down and some were saving seats for others who were still getting their food. So guess who was the one going around saying, "is this seat taken?" Yeah, me. All the seats were taken. I ate standing up in a corner while everyone chatted and laughed and seemed to be having a good time.
I'm glad everyone gets along and its one big corporate family. Heck, I hired half of them and I like to think I did a good job getting the right people for my company. But I cant help feeling that I'm the odd woman out. Perhaps because I'm in management, perhaps because I have an arrogant/too important air about me. Maybe It's because while everyone has gotten close this year, I have been too busy stuck in my office working and not gossiping with the other girls.
So this is the price I pay for wearing shoes the other girls cant afford, and this is the price I pay for being the 24 y/o boss.
And the thing is, no one even acknowledged me. No one said, "Aida, why arent you sitting?" non of the men said "Aida, let me give you my seat because I am a man and you are a woman, and my mother raised a gentleman."None of that. Instead, I ate my deviled eggs, some cold mashed potatoes and honey baked ham, and came back to my office.


Dennis Howlett said...

There's got to be more to this story don't you think? do tell more as I'm finding it fascinating.

Dennis Howlett said...

For some reason, Blogger is not allowing me to get to my profile. Just so's you know, my site is http://www.accmanpro.com