Monday, December 18, 2006

Don't forget to pick up the deviled eggs at Publix

The year is almost over. I have to clean out my desk, bulletins, stacks and stacks of papers. Funny how shit just accumulates. So much paperwork, everywhere. Once every couple of months I come in on a Saturday afternoon in my ripped jeans and t-shirt (a far cry from my everyday professional wear) and go through all the paperwork, throw some away, file some and read others saying to myself, "oh shit, i forgot to do that." Being the controller of my company means everything that doesn't have a home goes to me. The receptionist gives everything to me. She likes to walk to my office and hand it to me instead of just sticking whatever it is in my inbox.
I have so many files, sometimes I create one I already created 2 months before. Contracts here contract there. Such and such person said they gave me a change order and they probably did. But do they really expect me to remember where I put it? 99% of the time I do, because I'm organized 80% of the time and my memory works the other 19%. Sometimes I just tell them I never got it. Go get your copy and make me another. I have tons of crap all over my office. It's so frustrating cleaning everything up because everything belongs in pending. Oh the trials and tribulations of the corporate world.
Tomorrow is our company holiday potluck. I called Publix to make the deviled eggs, it'll cost me $30. The Secret Santa gift was $40. And the Yankee candles for my accounting girls were $100 in total. Respect and appreciation=priceless.
I called my CFO this morning to ask her an ethical question while I was in the middle of writing an email to one of our customers. She hasn't gotten back to me. Sometimes I wonder why I ask so many questions instead of just making executive decisions on my own.
CYA 101 (Cover Your Ass) I took that class in business school. Speaking of which, the thought of school depressed me this morning. If I hadn't dropped out 2 semesters ago, I would have been an MBA grad today, as of this past weekend. Depressing I tell you.
Saturday I had Christmas dinner with my girlfriends. Everyone is on a totally different page these days. My BFF gave me a gift card to Sports Authority. Don't ask me why. Maybe because she was already there and wanted to shoot a few birds with one shot. I guess these days it's too much to ask for a gift with some thought in it. But I shouldn't bitch, everybody is busy, no one has time for anything anymore. I got some wine glasses from my other friend and a gift card to Target from my other, other friend.
I always give better gifts than I am given. I'm not full of myself, its true. I'm thoughtful. Ok, I am a little full of myself.

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